Sunday, February 26, 2012

Reading the Rose

                                            16" x 20" Collage      Reading The Rose    Original
Before I start work on my large canvases I want to complete a few paintings begging for a Wall to be Hung On.

Reading the Rose is a 16" x 20"collage.I has a soft, bright appearance.  Let me know your response to it.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Empty Canvases

Scary!!! I have 5 white primed and stretched 3'x4' canvas starring at me n my studio .  Time to work on my Women of the Earth series ( gardens,flowers, humor, life and women).  I'm excited about the challenge. I'm also
 wondering what I got myself into. I have the ideas in my sketch books and the colors picked out and the thread that will run through tying together. Next week I will pick up the
brushes and begin.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

December 31, 2011 -- Great ending for a busy year (sold a painting that I really like to someone who share my view of it.  Hard to let go but must always remember " To many paintings, not enough walls ".  It is a great feeling to head into the New Year with.   I can feel the art work bubbling under the surface of my life.

What fun to be in my studio, walking all over my Jackson Pollack inspired floor.  It is the largest canvas I've created on and was also such a self expressive and freeing  experience.  I get good vibes when ever I am in this room.  Can't help but smile.

This month I have several paintings hanging in the Stomping Grounds coffee shop in Staples.  Also have a gallery hanging of my paintings at the Artful Market.
There are several paintings in the works, in my studio and I have a couple ready for framing.
New in the Studio.
The floor in my studio got a new look at the end of 2011.  It has an abstract look inspired by photos of Jackson Pollack paintings.  This is by far the largest painting I've ever done.  11 1/2'  by  19'. Painting this large was thrill. I'm glad I own the floor.